Chaldeenne catholique des saints marthyrs d'orient Church

Informations and facts

Hours of masses and other religious events from this churches are not shown because they are subject to change.

   Architecture - churches

8 images

Église Saint-Jean Baptiste-de-Lasalle

2585, boulevard PIE-IX / Hochelaga

1964 2 Floors
4 images
Villeray / Saint-Michel

Église Holy Family

7355, rue Lajeunesse

1964 2 Floors
3 images

Église Notre-Dame-d'Anjou

8200, place de l'Église

1964 2 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1959)


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  • Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne

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  • Saint-Laurent

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  • NDG

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  • Old Montreal

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  • Mercier

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  • LaSalle

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  • Rivière-des-Prairies, PAT

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  • Rosemont

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  • Villeray / Saint-Michel

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   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1959)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Inauguration of the St. Lawrence maritime way
  Facts about Montreal

  • Area of Montreal city is 482,8 km2
  • The larget company in Montreal is BCE Bell Canada with ~ 12 000 employees
  • Montreal is the more bicycle friendly city in north america
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