Namur Metro Station

Informations and facts

The station ranked 46th on 65 for the number of passengers in 2003.

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   Architecture - metro station

5 images
Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne

Station de métro Lionel-Groulx

Rue Notre-Dame / Atwater

1978 1 Floors
3 images

Station de métro Angrignon

Boulevard des Trinitaires

1978 1 Floors
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Station de métro Verdun

Rue de Verdun / Willibrord

1978 1 Floors
13 images

Station de métro De l'Église

Rue Wellington / Galt

1978 1 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1984)


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  Facts about Montreal

  • Snow is falling 61 days a year in Montreal
  • Montreal have more then 266 KM of river bank
  • Area of Montreal city is 482,8 km2
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