Borough Côte-des-Neiges

metro station in Côte-des-Neiges

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Discover in pictures 8 metro station in Côte-des-Neiges

6 images

Université-de-Montréal Metro Station


The station ranked 38th on 65 for the number of passengers in 2003.

8 images

Côte-des-Neiges Metro Station


The station ranked 26th on 65 for the number of passengers in 2003.

4 images

Édouard-Montpetit Metro Station


The station ranked 55th on 65 for the number of passengers in 2003.

11 images

Namur Metro Station


The station ranked 46th on 65 for the number of passengers in 2003.

11 images

De La Savane Metro Station


The station ranked 65th on 65 for the number of passengers in 2003.

3 images

Plamondon Métro Station


The station ranked 25th on 65 for the number of passengers in 2003.

4 images

Côte-Sainte-Catherine Metro Station


The station ranked 47th on 65 for the number of passengers in 2003.

8 images

Snowdon Metro Station


The station ranked 29th on 65 for the number of passengers in 2003.

* This list in pictures of metro station in Côte-des-Neiges is not necessarily complete

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