Bagg Building

Informations and facts

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Stewart & Co

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   Architecture - commercial

4 images
Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne

Édifice Dineen

2430, rue Saint-Antoine Ouest

1892 3 Floors
6 images

La Baie

587, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest

1891 8 Floors
3 images
Pointe Saint-Charles

Édifice O. Labelle

2463, rue Centre

1891 3 Floors
1 images

Édifice Brunet

1074 - 1084, boulevard Saint-Laurent

1890 4 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1911)


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  • Native Friendship Centre Of Montreal »»
  • Centre d’hébergement Paul-Émile-Léger »»
  • Petites Filles de Saint-Joseph Nunnery »»
  • Kellert Building »»
  • Wilson Building »»
  • Coronation Building »»
  • Le Roberval »»
  • Charles G. Greenshields House »»
  • George W. Grier House »»
  • M. Renouf Houses Edward and W.S. Maxwell »»
  • Sherbrooke Building (SH) UQAM »»
  • Résidence Lavalin »»
  • Strathcona Medical Building (McGill) »»
  • Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne

  • Robin Hood »»
  • Westmount

  • Calvary Congregational Church »»
  • George Hogg House »»
  • Ahuntsic / Cartierville

  • Actions Bethel Du Canada »»
  • Jacques Prévert College »»
  • Lachine

  • Saint-John of Suchawa Bukowinian Greek Orthodox Church of Lachine Church »»
  • NDG

  • Monastère du précieux sang »»
  • Centre-Sud

  • Bureau de Poste C »»
  • Gauvin Building »»
  • Arcadia Theatre »»
  • Old Montreal

  • Yorkshire Building »»
  • Anglo-Canadian Leather store-warehouse »»
  • La Petite-Patrie

  • Belleville Workshop »»
  • Cortex Lofts »»
  • Lemoyne School »»
  • St-Albans Church »»
  • La Maisonette des parents »»
  • Côte-St-Paul / Ville-Émard

  • St. Nicholas Romanian Orthodox Church »»
  • Outremont

  • Outremont Fire Station »»
  • St. Germain church »»
  • St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church »»
  • Joseph Lamoureux House »»
  • Temple Batist Church »»
  • Mile-end

  • Académie du Boulevard »»
  • Mile End old train station »»
  • Former Stuart Factory »»
  • King George Apartements »»
  • Queen Mary Apartements »»
  • Mountain View »»
  • Plateau Mont-Royal

  • 495 Prince-Arthur Ouest »»
  • 65 th CMR Regiment »»
  • Carrière Apartements »»
  • City House Furnishing Building »»
  • Rosemont

  • Ste-Philomene de Rosemont Academy »»
  • Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

  • Former Bank Of Montreal Ontario Street Branch »»
  • Baril School »»
  • Bank of Toronto »»
  • Maisonneuve Library »»
  • Église Chrétienne du Roi des Rois »»
   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1911)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Shaw and Décary buy in one day the grounds of the future town of Mount-Royal for CNR
  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal population: 1 812 723 in city and 3 426 350 with suburbs
  • There are four world class universities in Montreal
  • Montreal is receiving more snow falls than any other big city in the world
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