National Circus School


The school is located in the Cité des arts du cirque at a stone's throw from the Tohu and headquarters of Cirque du soleil.

following an architectural competition won by Lapointe Magne architectural firm.

The National Circus School was founded in 1981. Its first spaces were located in the Centre Immaculé Conception. It was not until 1989 that the school moved into the old Dalouise strain station in Old Montreal, becoming one of the largest circus schools in the world.

The school give fifteen diplomas annually.

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   Architecture - schools and universities

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École secondaire Eulalie-Durocher

2455, rue Létourneux

1961 3 Floors
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Plateau Mont-Royal

Ancienne école Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette

3505, rue durocher / Milton

1961 2 Floors
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Centre Hochelaga-Maisonneuve éducation des adultes

2500, rue Théodore / Hochelaga

1961 2 Floors
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École Primaire Laurentide

465, rue Cardinal / Saint-Louis

1961 2 Floors

Building achieved the same year (2003)


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