Schools and Universities of Montreal

Picture Gallery : 121 to 130 of 500 schools and universities found

6 images

Agora de la Danse

Plateau Mont-Royal

840, rue Cherrier

4 images

Primaire Supérieure du Plateau School

Plateau Mont-Royal

This elementary french Scool is part of the CSDM.

1 images

Villa Maria School


The central building of the School Villa Maria is the house built for Mr. Monk in 1803. The house also called Monkland, served as a residence for the general governors of Canada between 1844 and 1849....

3 images

St. Paul Academy

La Petite-Patrie

8 images
3 images

Académie du Boulevard


155, boulevard Saint-Joseph Est

5 images
10 images

Several buildings in the « Schools and Universities » section are also classified according to their former use. For the same reason they may appear in two differents sections

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