William Francis Carsley House

Picture Alexis Hamel 2009



Alexander F. Dunlop
Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
P. Lyall and Son Construction Co

Works cited, references and bibliography

   Architecture - old Houses

2 images

Maison Dagenais

5555, rue Jarry Est

1785 2 Floors
1 images
Ouest de l'Ile

Maison Joseph Théorêt

14784, Boulevard Gouin ouest

1780 2 Floors
2 images
Old Montreal

Maison Pierre du Calvet

401, rue Saint-Paul Est

1771 4 Floors
1 images
Old Montreal

Maison Louis-Viger

415, rue Bonsecours

1765 3 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1903)


  • Newman Center McGill »»
  • Second Olivet Baptist Church »»
  • Trafalgar School for Girls »»
  • Athanase-David Pavilion (D) | UQAM »»
  • Westmount

  • Saint-Léon de Westmount Church »»
  • St. Stephen Church »»
  • Old Montreal

  • 406-408 Saint-Jean-Baptiste »»
  • Board of trade »»
  • Beardmore Building »»
  • Clegg Building »»
  • Pointe Saint-Charles

  • The Sherwin-William company »»
  • Outremont

  • Outremont Golf Club »»
  • Mile-end

  • Ubisoft Montreal »»
  • Plateau Mont-Royal

  • Frontenac Apartements »»
  • Ste Jeanne d'Arc Hospital »»
  • Spa St-Jude »»
  • Austrian and Hungarian Synagogue »»
  • Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

  • Coop Station No 1 »»
   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1903)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • General strike by the trams employees of Montreal
  • Foundation of the Insurance Company “La sauvegarde”
  Facts about Montreal

  • A Montreal's nick name is : La ville aux cents clochés
  • Montreal was founded in 1642 by Maisonneuve
  • Montreal is the second largest city in Canada
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