New Horizon Apartements

Picture Alexis Hamel 2010


Works cited, references and bibliography

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This building is on website because we list every buildings with 10 floors and more. We are not connected nor in relation with the owner of this building so we can’t provide any information about price and availability for rental.

   Architecture - skyscrapers

3 images

Westmount Square (south tower)

rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest

1968 22 Floors
2 images

Westmount Square Apartments I

Boulevard de Maisonneuve

1968 21 Floors
2 images

Westmount Square (Tour Nord)

boulevard Maisonneuve Ouest

1968 23 Floors
2 images

La Tour du Parc

1150-1160, rue Sherbrooke est

1968 14 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1974)


  • 1000 Sherbrooke »»
  • 2285 Saint-Mathieu »»
  • Carrefour Sherbrooke | McGill »»
  • La Place Du Musee »»
  • The 1350 »»
  • Le Foyer Laurentien »»
  • The Ramezay »»
  • Residence Inn Montreal Downtown »»
  • Résidences Soleil Manoir Plaza »»
  • Intact Tower (2020 University) »»
  • Centre-Sud

  • 2485 East boulevard De Maisonneuve Blvd »»
  • Tour de la place Dupuis »»
  • Ouest de l'Ile

  • 80 Bayside Lakeshore »»
  • Anjou

  • École secondaire d'Anjou »»
  • Outremont

  • Le Chambertin »»
  • Terrasse Outremont »»
  • Villeray / Saint-Michel

  • Former Chinese Hospital »»
  • Lucien-Pagé High School »»
   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1974)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Birth of the Concordia University of Montreal
  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal is the more bicycle friendly city in north america
  • Density of Montreal population is 3625 hab./km2
  • There are 25 107 Hotel rooms in the area of Montreal
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