Merchant's Banks of Halifax

Picture Alexis Hamel 2011

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   Architecture - bank

1 images
Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne

Banque Laurentienne

Place Saint-Henri

1922 3 Floors
1 images

Banque d'Épargne

2400, rue Sainte-Catherine Est / Dufresne

1921 2 Floors
2 images

Banque de Montréal, Sainte-Catherine

1205, rue Sainte-Catherine

1921 2 Floors
3 images

Ancienne Banque Royale

5801, avenue du Parc / Bernard

1920 2 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1895)


  • Old Ogilvy Store »»
  • Bank of Montreal »»
  • Hugh Andrew Allan House »»
  • Hugh Graham House »»
  • University of Montreal, old building »»
  • Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne

  • Ste. Elisabeth College »»
  • Westmount

  • Amable Lallemand House »»
  • Triplex at Saint-Antoine »»
  • Centre-Sud

  • Tessier Building »»
  • Old Montreal

  • Accueil Bonneau »»
  • Canada Life Building »»
  • Montreal Street Railway Building »»
  • Pointe Saint-Charles

  • St. Gabriel's Church »»
  • La Petite-Patrie

  • Shamrock Club House »»
  • Plateau Mont-Royal

  • Académie St-Léon »»
  • Lomer-Gouin Building »»
  • Schwartz's Deli »»
   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1895)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Birth of the « l’École Littéraire de Montréal » (AKA Literary School of Montreal)
  • The village of Outremont becomes the town of Outremont
  • he village Saint-Louis of the End Mile becomes the town of Saint-Louis
  Facts about Montreal

  • Density of Montreal population is 3625 hab./km2
  • There are 25 107 Hotel rooms in the area of Montreal
  • The longest street in Montréal is blvd Gouin : 50 Km
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