1250 Boulevard René-levesque

Informations and facts

The official name of this skyscraper”1250 René Lévesque” but most Montrealers are seeing him as the IBM Marathon building named from the two main holding company offices. Interestingly, this skyscraper is the only one in Montreal designed by an architectural company specializing in skyscrapers and recognized throughout the world: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates.

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Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Pasquin St-Jean & Ass

Discover more:

   Architecture - skyscrapers

48 images
Old Montreal

Solano phase VI

Rue Saint-André / Rue Porte de Québec

2017 19 Floors
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YOO Montréal

1130, rue Ottawa / Young / Murray

2017 19 Floors
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Nuns' island

Condo Evolo S

121, Chemin de la Pointe-Nord

2017 24 Floors
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Condos La Catherine

2134, rue Sainte-Catherine

2017 16 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1992)


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  Facts about Montreal

  • Montreal Metro has 65 Stations
  • 883 Km of railroad criss-cross the city
  • 19 bridges surround Montréal city
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