Borough Plateau Mont-Royal

apartments and condos in Plateau Mont-Royal

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Discover in pictures 100 apartments and condos in Plateau Mont-Royal

6 images

Projet Marie-Anne

Plateau Mont-Royal

4354, Saint-Dominic / Rue Marie-Anne

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Project 461 Prince-Arthur West

Plateau Mont-Royal

461, rue Prince-Arthur Ouest

2 images

Parc Lofts

Plateau Mont-Royal

3470, avenue du Parc

4 images

Projet 3443-3449 Saint-Laurent

Plateau Mont-Royal

3443-3449, boulevard Saint-Laurent

1 images

Logements UTILE Durocher

Plateau Mont-Royal

This student housing project located on Durocher Street not far from McGill University should have 205 residential units.

27 images

367 Pine Street

Plateau Mont-Royal

This 33 condo units project led by Mondev takes place at the corner of avenue des Pins and Saint-Denis on a site formerly occupied by a gas station. At the time the project was listed for sale, prices...

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Le St-Grégoire

Plateau Mont-Royal

5420, avenue Papineau / Saint-Grégoire

14 images

3514-3516 Durocher Project

Plateau Mont-Royal

3516, rue Durocher

6 images

5007 Saint-Denis

Plateau Mont-Royal

5007, rue Saint-Denis

16 images

Clark / Marie-Anne Project

Plateau Mont-Royal

Rue Clark / Marie-Anne

* This list in pictures of apartments and condos in Plateau Mont-Royal is not necessarily complete

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