Montreal's Architects

Harold Lea Fetherstonhaugh

Né à Montréal en 1887
Décédé à Montréal en 1971
Il fut diplômé de l'Université McGill en architecture en 1909 avant de parfaire son art au coté d'Edward et W. S. Maxwell.

Il fonde une agence avec J. C. McDougall avant de poursuivre solo en 1923 puis d'en créer une nouvelle avec Durnford en 1934 où il travaillera jusqu'en 1955.

3434 visits on this page - metascore 5.08 / 10- 661 votes - 274375 views on architect's building.

Others architectects that worked on same building as partner or in consortium with Harold Lea Fetherstonhaugh

Ross et MacDonald »
A. T. Galt Durnford  »
Bolton & Chadwick  Bolton & Chadwick

Constructors, promoters, contractors or craftsman working with

McRitchie Black Ltd
A. F. Byers Co
Anglin-Norcross Limités
Dominion Bridge Co. Anglin-Norcross Limited
Atlas Construction Co

Buildings built by architect Harold Lea Fetherstonhaugh in Montreal


4 images

University Tower


1255, rue Robert-Bourassa

Schools and Universities


11 images

Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul


3415, rue Redpath /Sherbrooke Ouest


1 images

Hanson Brothers Building

Old Montreal

255, rue Saint-Jacques

3 images

T. Donald & co - Chemical engineers


1181, rue Guy

Apartments and Condos

6 images

Le Château Apartements


The facade of this magnificent building is made of Tyndall limestone from Manitoba. This limestone has the particularity to contain numerous fossils. This apartment building has Mordecai Ri...

7 images

Douglas Hall


3851, rue University


3 images

W Hotel Montreal


The hotel has 152 luxurious rooms. It was built from an old office building to which floors were added. Its facade is composed of natural gray granite and gray granite polite.

Industrials Building

3 images

Nationals Breweries Building


This building is a good example of Art Deco Architectural Style


2 images

Berner & Palmer Building


1444-1456, rue Drummond

Old Houses

1 images

Francis Stuart Molson House


Redpath crescent

1 images

William R. Grattan Holt House


1245, Redpath crescent

Buildings modified by architect Harold Lea Fetherstonhaugh in Montreal

Schools and Universities
3 images

McGill University


McGill University is the oldest university in the city of Montreal and this building is the first one dedicated to this institution. University was named after James McGill a fur merchant i...

Public Building
3 images

Montreal Neurological Institute


3785-3801, rue University

All Montreal's Architects

Some constructions in Montreal from same architect or Architecture Firm may be unknown from us. We are not connected with this architec , Architecture Firm, this page is for information purpose only, last update of this page : 2024-07-27 - Architecte CODEIMTL 3305.

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