Borough Villeray / Saint-Michel

schools and universities in Villeray / Saint-Michel

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Discover in pictures 25 schools and universities in Villeray / Saint-Michel

6 images

École primaire Saint-Bernardin

Villeray / Saint-Michel

2950, rue Jarry Est

7 images

New St. Gerard School

Villeray / Saint-Michel

Rue de Liège / Rue Berri

14 images

National Circus School

Villeray / Saint-Michel

The school is located in the Cité des arts du cirque at a stone's throw from the Tohu and headquarters of Cirque du soleil. following an architectural competition won by Lapointe Magne archite...

2 images

Joseph-Charbonneau School

Villeray / Saint-Michel

8200, rue Rousselot

2 images

Lucien-Pagé High School

Villeray / Saint-Michel

8200, boulevard Saint-Laurent

2 images

Georges-Vanier School

Villeray / Saint-Michel

1205, rue Jarry Est

8 images

Louis-Joseph-Papineau School

Villeray / Saint-Michel

2901, rue de Louvain Est

3 images

Marie-Favery School

Villeray / Saint-Michel

7750, avenue Christophe-Colomb

2 images

Joseph-François-Perrault High School

Villeray / Saint-Michel

7450, rue François-Perrault

3 images

Victor-Dore School

Villeray / Saint-Michel

1350, boulevard Crémazie Est

* This list in pictures of schools and universities in Villeray / Saint-Michel is not necessarily complete

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